LeBron James and Savannah came together to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary last Thursday by sharing a series of photos on their respective Instagram accounts, commemorating the special event. Their son, Bryce, was among the many who celebrated the couple’s milestone, taking to social media to congratulate his parents in his own unique way.
Bryce posted a few adorable photographs, in which he congratulated LeBron and Savannah on their special day, capturing the essence of their decade-long journey together. Throughout the couple’s marriage, they have consistently been involved in their children’s lives, creating and sharing cherished family memories through their social media channels.
As the iconic couple marked their anniversary, friends, fans, and family went on social media to look back on their relationship, extending well-wishes their way. Along with a strong foundation in love, LeBron and Savannah’s dedication towards their children and keeping the family united has remained a steadfast theme throughout their marriage.
The celebration of LeBron and Savannah’s wedding anniversary is a testament to the strength and longevity of their love. Their joint dedication towards their family – as evidenced through their children’s involvement and the heartfelt social media messages they share – only serves to deepen the bond between the couple. It is clear that the love, support, and respect that LeBron and Savannah have for one another have allowed them to defy the odds and remain a strong unit both on and off the court.