On Sunday, a video that appeared to show Seth Curry using lean and smoking marijuana quickly went viral. The Twitter account that uploaded the video claimed that the Dallas Mavericks had cut Seth Curry from their roster, stating, “Seth Curry reportedly cut by the Dallas Mavericks after a video of him drinking “Lean” and smoking marijuana surfaces.”
However, it turns out that there is no truth to the rumor. A closer look reveals that the post was actually made by a parody account called NBA Centel, and further investigation shows that the person in the video is not Curry.
This serves as another reminder that it is important for social media users to confirm the accuracy of information before believing or sharing it. Parody accounts can easily mislead users, and the negative consequences of reacting to false information can be far-reaching.
In this specific case, not only was the individual in the video incorrectly identified, but the false report of Curry’s dismissal could have potentially damaged his reputation. Thankfully, it has been confirmed that the video does not feature Curry, and there was no action taken against him by the Dallas Mavericks.