Tim Grover has established himself as a renowned personal trainer for legendary athletes such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade. Grover’s journey began in Chicago, where he utilized his degree in kinesiology to support these icons in maintaining their physical fitness throughout their impressive careers.
Recently, Grover appeared on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” to promote his 2021 book, “Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness.” In the show, he shared his experiences of becoming Michael Jordan’s personal trainer and the challenges he had to overcome along the way.
Grover recalled, “I was working at a local health club. I was making $3.35 back in the 80s. … Stayed there for three years.” It was then that he noticed an article in the newspaper which would change his life. The article’s headline read, ‘Michael Jordan tired of taking physical abuse from the Detroit Pistons,’ and it sparked an idea for Grover.
Seizing the opportunity, Grover decided to combine his expertise in kinesiology with his passion for sports to make a difference. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of his successful career as one of the most sought-after personal trainers for elite athletes.
Since then, Tim Grover has continued to be a respected figure in the sports world. With the release of his latest book, “Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness,” he shares his wealth of knowledge and experiences, inspiring others to pursue their own path to greatness.