Brittany Mahomes took to Instagram on Tuesday to share a personal story that deviates from her usual posts. She opened up about her struggles with skin issues, revealing that she had developed a rash around her mouth. In a candid moment with her followers, she posted a photo on her Instagram story, labeling the moment as a ‘reality check’ from the content that people are accustomed to seeing on her profile. Her message was clear and resonated with authenticity: “But just here for your daily reality check.”
In the realm of web design, the aesthetics and functionality of a site are key to user engagement. A snippet of CSS code reveals the meticulous attention to detail that goes into creating a seamless user experience. The code dictates the styling of a video player container, ensuring it adapts responsively to different screen sizes. The use of the ‘calc’ function allows for dynamic height adjustments based on the width of the viewport, maintaining the aspect ratio of the videos.
Additionally, the CSS outlines the design for a polls carousel, a feature likely used to engage visitors in interactive content. The carousel is designed to display flexibly, with a horizontal scroll enabled for overflow content. Each preview card within the carousel is given a specific width and border-radius, contributing to a polished and consistent look. The polls themselves are styled to change visually when hovered over or selected, enhancing the interactive experience.
The code also caters to the layout of a betting section, presumably to provide users with expert tips and picks. This section is styled to stand out with a distinct background color and border, and it includes images and text designed to draw attention to the experts’ data, such as win percentages and records. The call-to-action (CTA) within this section is prominently styled with a contrasting color and rounded border, encouraging users to take action and engage with the content.
Media queries in the CSS code ensure that the design remains fluid and accessible on mobile devices. As the screen size reduces, adjustments are made to the layout and sizing of elements to ensure readability and usability. This attention to detail in responsive design ensures that the user experience is consistent and enjoyable, regardless of the device being used to access the site.