Caleb Williams Responds to Criticism Over Pink Phone Case at USC vs Kansas Women’s Game

The styling for the .vidazoo-player-container sets the width to 100% and calculates the height based on a specific formula, ensuring the aspect ratio is maintained at 16:9, with a background color of black. A separate rule for the .vidazoo-player-container adjusts the height using a different calculation when it’s not constrained by the previous conditions. For smaller screens, with a maximum width of 768 pixels, additional styles come into play. The .sk-widget .vidazoo-container has margins set at the top and bottom, and the .vidazoo-player-container adjusts its height based on the viewport width, maintaining the aspect ratio and adding the same margins.

Caleb Williams confidently expresses his individuality through his fashion choices, which includes painting his nails and wearing dresses. His nonconformist attitude extends to not being concerned with public perception. This was evident when he attended the USC women’s basketball March Madness game with a pink phone case, an accessory that caught the attention of Barstool employee Jack McGuire, who covers college football and found the choice of phone case “crazy.”

The .polls-carousel is designed to display items in a flex container that allows for a horizontal scroll without wrapping. The .preview-card-holder is styled with specific border-radius and width properties, and the .march-madness-logo is positioned absolutely within this container. The content within the poll cards has padding applied for proper spacing, and the top section of the poll content is laid out in a flex row with a gap between elements.

Poll options are styled to change appearance on hover and when selected, with a distinct border color indicating the selected state. Answered poll options have a different background and border, and the color bar within changes height and background color when the option is selected. Text within the poll options is styled for weight, size, and color to ensure readability and emphasis on certain elements. The .bets-today-div section is designed with a specific height, background color, and border properties, and contains logos and images with their own styling rules.

Finally, the .experts-data section within the .bets-today-div displays expert information in a flex container, with each item styled for center alignment and spacing. Images of experts are circular and fit the content, while text information such as win percentages and records are styled for visibility. Calls to action are prominently styled with bold text, color, and padding to stand out and encourage interaction.

Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Kevin is a sports writer based in New York. With a degree in journalism and years of experience covering sports, Kevin is an informative writer who knows how to deliver an in-depth analysis. Whether it's the Yankees, the Knicks, the Giants, or any other team

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