The CSS code snippet provided defines styles for a video player container within a webpage. The `.vidazoo-player-container` class sets the width to 100% and the height is calculated based on a specific formula, with a background color of black. Additionally, there’s a media query for devices with a maximum width of 768px, which includes various modifications to the `.vidazoo-container` class, such as adjusting the top offset based on whether the page has a top header or primary navigation.
The code also contains styles for a polls carousel, which is designed to be a horizontally scrollable flex container. The `.preview-card-holder` class defines the appearance of each card within the carousel, including its width and border radius. The `.march-madness-logo` class positions a logo absolutely within its container. The polls themselves have a specific look and feel, with options that highlight on hover or when selected, and the results are displayed with different colors and font weights.
In a personal update, Jason Kelce shared on the “New Heights” podcast, hosted by his brother Travis Kelce, that he had recently celebrated his sixth wedding anniversary with his wife, Kylie Kelce. Jason admitted to not being the best at planning or gift-giving. He revealed that their anniversary had passed nearly a month ago, and he still hadn’t managed to buy Kylie a gift. Citing the live podcast show in Cincinnati as a distraction, Jason acknowledged his oversight and expressed the need to compensate with a significant gift, saying, “I owe Kylie an anniversary gift. I’m almost a month post-due on that. We were doing the Cincinnati live show and it distracted me … I gotta come big with something.”
The CSS code also describes the styling for a ‘bets-today-div’, which seems to be a section of a webpage dedicated to betting information. It includes styles for logos, text, and a call-to-action button. The `.experts-data` class is used for displaying expert data in a flex container, with individual items such as `.expert-img` and `.item-info` for images and text information, respectively. The styles are designed to be responsive, with different layouts and font sizes specified for devices with a maximum width of 768px.
Lastly, the code snippet ends with a repeated phrase “70% Win (110-25-1),” which may indicate a statistic or record associated with the betting information, followed by a call to action encouraging users to “Unlock Free tips from our Experts” and a button to “Get Picks Now.” This suggests an interactive element on the webpage where users can engage with expert betting tips.