The styling for the .vidazoo-player-container class is set to occupy the full width of its parent container, with its height calculated based on a specific formula. The background color for the container is black. There are additional styles for different heights of the player container within the same class. Moreover, media queries are used to adjust the styles for the .vidazoo-container class when the screen width is 768 pixels or less. These adjustments include setting the top offset for a floating player based on whether the body element has certain classes applied, which could represent a top header or primary navigation bar.
New York Jets’ rookie quarterback Jordan Travis is determined to step up and fill the shoes of Aaron Rodgers. However, his immediate focus is on recovering from a severe ankle injury that has sidelined him. During the Jets’ rookie minicamp, Travis spoke openly about his aspirations to become Rodgers’ successor. “Yes, sir, I do think about that a lot,” Travis admitted to ESPN’s Rich Cimini. Despite these thoughts, Travis emphasized, “But right now, I’m just focused on where my feet are, just getting healthy and getting everybody around me better, being a great teammate.”
In the realm of web design, the .polls-carousel class is set to display its elements in a flex container, ensuring they are laid out in a single row without wrapping. The .preview-card-holder class defines the appearance and dimensions of card elements, including a border radius and width constraints. The .march-madness-logo class specifies the dimensions and positioning of a logo, while the .preview-card-content.poll-card-content class adjusts the padding around the content within the cards. The .poll-content-top-section class is used to style the top section of a poll content area, including the layout and spacing of elements within it.
Styling for poll options and their interactive states is detailed in the CSS, with hover and selected states having distinct border styles. Additionally, answered poll options have their own background and border styles, and there are specific styles for the percentage text within selected poll options. The .bets-today-div class defines the layout and appearance of a betting-related section, including its background, border, and internal alignment. Within this section, there are styles for logos, images, and a flex container for displaying expert data. The expert data items are styled to present information in a clear and visually appealing manner, with images and text formatted for easy reading.
Lastly, the .bets-today-div class also includes a call-to-action (CTA) button, styled with a bold font, color, and padding to stand out and encourage interaction. The button is designed to be flexible and responsive, with adjustments for different screen widths provided in the media query section. This ensures that the button and the rest of the betting section are displayed optimally across various devices. The media queries also adjust the styles for the .preview-card-holder, .march-madness-logo, and other elements within the poll and betting sections to maintain a consistent and user-friendly experience on smaller screens.