The CSS code provided defines the styling for a video player container. The `.vidazoo-player-container` class specifies a width of 100% and a dynamic height calculated based on a formula that takes into account different pixel values. The container’s background color is set to black. A second definition for the `.vidazoo-player-container` class adjusts the height based on a different calculation. These styles ensure that the video player maintains the correct aspect ratio and full width across various devices.
Additional styling is applied for mobile devices with a maximum width of 768 pixels. The `.sk-widget .vidazoo-container` class adds margins to the top and bottom of the player. The `.vidazoo-player-container` class also recalculates the height for mobile devices and includes the same margins as before. These responsive design adjustments help to create a seamless viewing experience on smaller screens.
Christian McCaffrey and Olivia Culpo are excitedly anticipating their wedding day. Although the exact date has not been disclosed, they have revealed that the event could take place in Rhode Island, which is Culpo’s home state. The preparations are underway, and the couple is actively working on the details of their celebration.
During a recent “Ask Me Anything” session, Olivia Culpo, the 2012 Miss Universe winner, shared some insights into the wedding planning process. When asked about the most challenging part, she candidly responded, “Guest list is by FAR the hardest part. A lot of venues have restrictions on # of ppl.” This honest answer highlights the common struggle many couples face when trying to accommodate their desired guest list within the constraints of their chosen venue.
The CSS code also includes styles for various elements of a polls carousel. The `.polls-carousel` class is designed to display items in a flex container, allowing for a horizontal scroll. The `.preview-card-holder` and `.march-madness-logo` classes define the appearance and positioning of elements within the carousel. The `.poll-content-top-section` and `.poll-match-date-time` classes style the top section of the poll content, including the date and time display. Additionally, there are hover effects and selected state styles for poll options, ensuring an interactive user experience. The code also specifies the visual design for elements such as the `.bets-today-div`, which includes the layout and styling for a betting section with logos, expert data, and a call-to-action button. These detailed styles contribute to the overall user interface and aesthetic of the website.