In the world of web development, CSS plays a crucial role in styling and presenting content on the web. A typical example is the `.vidazoo-player-container` class, which is designed to ensure that the video player occupies the full width of its container. The height is calculated using a formula that maintains the aspect ratio of 16:9, which is standard for most video content. Additionally, the background color is set to black, providing a seamless viewing experience.
Responsive design is also a key consideration in modern web development. Media queries, such as `@media(max-width: 768px)`, are used to apply different styles based on the screen size of the device being used to view the content. In this case, various properties are adjusted to ensure that the video player and other elements like the `.vidazoo-container` look good and function well on smaller screens. This includes adjusting the top offset of the floating player depending on whether certain elements like headers or navigation bars are present.
Styling extends beyond just layout and structural elements, as seen with the `.polls-carousel` and `.preview-card-holder` classes. These are designed to provide a visually appealing and interactive experience for users engaging with polls. The cards within the carousel have a specific border-radius, width, and position to ensure they are displayed prominently and attractively. Special attention is given to logos and other images, such as the `.march-madness-logo`, ensuring they are positioned correctly and maintain their aspect ratio.
Interaction with polls is further refined with hover and selection styles. For example, the `.poll-option` class changes appearance when hovered over or selected, using a distinct border color to indicate the user’s choice. Answered poll options are styled differently to show that they are no longer selectable, and the percentage of votes is highlighted for clarity. The design is mindful of the user experience, providing feedback and visual cues to guide users through the polling process.
Finally, promotional elements like the `.bets-today-div` are crafted to catch the user’s attention and encourage engagement. These sections are designed to stand out with a contrasting background, clear typography, and call-to-action buttons. The layout is flexible, adapting to different screen sizes while maintaining readability and visual appeal. The use of expert data, logos, and images is carefully managed to present a professional and trustworthy appearance, encouraging users to interact with the content and take advantage of offered services.