The styling for the vidazoo-player-container is set to take up the full width of the container and calculates its height based on a complex formula. The background color for the container is set to black. Additionally, there is a media query for devices with a maximum width of 768 pixels, which adjusts the floating player’s top offset based on whether the body has a top header or primary navigation, or both.
The media query also includes styling for the vidazoo-container within the .sk-widget class, adding margins to the top and bottom. Furthermore, for smaller screens, the height of the vidazoo-player-container is recalculated based on the viewport width, maintaining the aspect ratio of 16:9, and margins are added to the top and bottom of the player.
In the realm of professional football, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has expressed a desire to increase the number of regular-season games from the current 17 to 18. This suggestion comes not long after the league had already expanded from 16 to 17 games, a decision that had mixed reactions from various stakeholders within the NFL.
Travis Kelce, a prominent figure in the league, shared his thoughts on the proposed change on the “New Heights” podcast. Kelce mentioned that Goodell discussed potential scheduling changes, which he interpreted as an indication that an 18-game regular season is likely on the horizon. The commissioner’s plan would involve reducing the preseason by one game and transferring that to the regular season, a move Kelce seems to support.
The CSS code snippet also outlines the design for a .polls-carousel, which is set up to display content in a flex container that allows for horizontal scrolling. The .preview-card-holder within this carousel has specified dimensions and border radius, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing presentation. Additionally, there are styles for a .march-madness-logo, which is positioned absolutely within the container.
The styling for the polls continues with specific designs for the .poll-content-top-section, .poll-match-date-time, and various states of the poll options, such as hover and selected. The CSS also defines the appearance of the poll options when they have been answered, including changes to the border and background colors.
Lastly, the code includes styles for a .bets-today-div, which is designed to display betting information in a prominent and engaging way. This section includes a logo, expert data, and a call-to-action button, all styled to stand out and provide users with clear and actionable information. The media query for smaller screens ensures that the layout and presentation of these elements are optimized for a good user experience on mobile devices.