In the realm of web design, styling plays a crucial role in the presentation and functionality of web elements. For instance, the `.vidazoo-player-container` is a class that has been styled to ensure that the video player it contains takes up the full width of its container. The height is calculated using a formula that maintains the aspect ratio of 16:9, which is standard for video content. The background color is set to black, providing a visual frame for the video content. Within the same class, the height property is overridden to accommodate different aspect ratios based on the width of the viewport, ensuring the video content is responsive and adapts to various screen sizes.
Responsive design is further emphasized with media queries that adjust the layout and positioning of elements based on the screen width. For screens with a maximum width of 768 pixels, the `.vidazoo-container` class introduces custom properties that control the top offset of a floating video player. The offset is adjusted depending on whether the page has a top header or a primary navigation bar, or both. This ensures that the video player does not overlap with other important elements of the website’s header. Additionally, margins are added to the `.vidazoo-player-container` to provide spacing above and below the video player, creating a more visually appealing layout.
The CSS snippet also includes styles for a `.polls-carousel`, which is designed to be a horizontally scrolling container that displays various polls. The `.preview-card-holder` within the carousel has a specific width and border radius to create a card-like appearance. Special attention is given to logos and date-time displays, ensuring they are positioned correctly and styled to match the overall design. Hover and selection states for poll options are styled to provide visual feedback to users, indicating interactive elements.
Poll options that have been answered receive a distinct style to differentiate them from unanswered options. This includes a change in the border color and the application of a background color to indicate the selected state. Text styling within the poll options is also carefully considered, with font weights and sizes adjusted to ensure readability and visual hierarchy.
Lastly, the CSS code includes styles for a `.bets-today-div`, which is a dedicated section for showcasing betting information. The design incorporates a bright background color, border styling, and a structured layout that includes logos and text elements. The section is designed to be eye-catching and informative, with clear calls to action and expert data presented in an easy-to-read format. The responsive design ensures that the section remains functional and visually consistent across different devices, with adjustments to heights, widths, and font sizes tailored to smaller screens.