Viral Video: Joe Alt’s Girlfriend Emilie Meyer’s Awkward Reaction at NFL Draft

The `.vidazoo-player-container` CSS class defines a responsive video player container with a width of 100% and a dynamic height calculated using the CSS `calc()` function. The height is determined by subtracting the sum of certain pixel values from 1110px and then multiplying the result by the aspect ratio of 9/16 to maintain a widescreen format. The background color of the container is set to black. In a specific case, the height of the `.vidazoo-player-container` is set by a different `calc()` function, which multiplies 685px by 9/16 to achieve the desired aspect ratio.

For smaller screen sizes, defined by a maximum width of 768px, the `.vidazoo-container` class incorporates custom properties to manage the top offset of a floating player. This offset is adjusted based on whether the body element has certain classes, such as `.has-top-header` or `.has-primary-nav`, which represent the presence of a top header or primary navigation bar, respectively. The offset is calculated accordingly, either using the individual heights of these elements or their combined height. Additionally, the `.vidazoo-container` class includes a `vdz` data attribute with a “floater” view, which positions the top of the floating player based on the defined offset. Margins are also applied to the `.sk-widget .vidazoo-container` and the `.vidazoo-player-container` within this media query to ensure proper spacing on smaller screens.

Joe Alt’s moment during the NFL Draft was significant, but it was not just his potential future in professional football that caught the public’s attention. His girlfriend, Emilie Meyer, also became a focal point as the cameras captured her alongside him. As Alt was announced as the No. 5 pick for the Los Angeles Chargers, Emilie was seen next to him, her expression somewhat awkward under the spotlight. The couple was at home, surrounded by family and friends, as they held their own celebration party for the 2024 NFL Draft.

The `.polls-carousel` class is designed to create a horizontally scrollable carousel of polls. This is achieved by setting the display to flex, preventing wrapping with `nowrap`, and allowing horizontal scrolling. The `.preview-card-holder` class defines the appearance of each card within the carousel, including its width and border radius. Special elements like the `.march-madness-logo` are positioned absolutely within the card and have specific dimensions. The content within the poll cards, such as the `.poll-content-top-section` and `.poll-question`, are styled for visual hierarchy and legibility.

For the interactive elements of the polls, various classes are used to style the options and their states. For example, `.poll-option:hover` and `.poll-option-selected` change the border color to emphasize the selection or hover state. Answered options are styled differently to indicate that they are no longer selectable, and their appearance changes when selected. The percentage of votes is highlighted with a bold font and larger size in the `.poll-option-percent` class. The `.bets-today-div` class creates a distinct section for betting information, with a specific height, background color, and border styling. This section includes logos, expert data, and a call-to-action button, all styled to create an engaging and informative user experience.

Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Kevin is a sports writer based in New York. With a degree in journalism and years of experience covering sports, Kevin is an informative writer who knows how to deliver an in-depth analysis. Whether it's the Yankees, the Knicks, the Giants, or any other team

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