Vontae Davis CTE Allegations: Ex-Wife of NFL Star Reveals Shocking Details

The CSS code snippet provided outlines the styling for a video player container. The `.vidazoo-player-container` class is designed to take up the full width of its parent element and has a dynamic height calculated based on a specific formula. The background color is set to black. Additionally, there is a media query that adjusts the styling for screens with a maximum width of 768 pixels. In this case, the video player container’s height is recalculated to maintain the aspect ratio, and margins are added at the top and bottom.

The CSS code also includes styling for a polls carousel, which is displayed as a flex container allowing items to be in a single row with a horizontal scroll. The `.preview-card-holder` class has specific border-radius and width properties, and there is a special logo class for the “March Madness” logo with its own dimensions and positioning. The content within the polls carousel has padding and color adjustments, ensuring the text and interactive elements are styled appropriately.

For the polls themselves, various classes are defined to handle the look and feel of the poll options, including hover and selected states. Options that have been answered receive a distinct background color and are no longer interactive. Text styling within the poll options is also carefully defined to ensure readability and visual hierarchy.

The CSS further describes a “bets-today-div” section, which is a flex container with specific height, background color, and border properties. It contains logos, images, and text, all of which have their own styling rules. The experts’ data within this section is laid out in a flex row, with individual items containing images and text that describe win percentages and other statistics.

Finally, the CSS code adjusts the styling for mobile devices with a max-width of 768 pixels. This includes changes to the size and positioning of logos, padding adjustments for the poll match date and time, and the layout of the bets-today section, which changes from a flex container to a block display with different padding and margin settings.

In personal news, Vontae Davis, the former NFL player known for his unexpected retirement during halftime of a game, has passed away at the age of 35. The cause of death has not been disclosed, but the conversation has inevitably turned towards Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a brain condition associated with repeated head trauma, which is a known issue among NFL players.

While it is not confirmed whether Davis had CTE, his ex-wife believes he suffered from the condition. The Daily Mail reported that Megan Harpe claimed Davis suffered from the disease, but she did not provide additional details. The determination of whether Davis had CTE will be left to medical professionals who will examine his body and brain.

Kevin Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Kevin is a sports writer based in New York. With a degree in journalism and years of experience covering sports, Kevin is an informative writer who knows how to deliver an in-depth analysis. Whether it's the Yankees, the Knicks, the Giants, or any other team

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