Russian tennis player Andrey Rublev has reportedly been named godfather to Daniil Medvedev’s daughter Alisa. Daniil Medvedev and his wife, Daria Medvedeva, welcomed their first child on October 14, 2022. The news broke when a friend of the couple shared a photo on Instagram during Alisa’s baptism ceremony, with the caption “Friends that become family. Celebrating Alisa Danilovna.” A fan of Rublev later confirmed in an Instagram post that the 25-year-old has indeed been named Alisa’s godfather.
Andrey Rublev gets emotional after fan confesses how he helped them rediscover their love for tennis
Andrey Rublev recently captured the hearts of many with his response to a fan who expressed gratitude to the Russian for reigniting their passion for tennis. In a short video posted by the ATP Tour, Rublev read out a heartfelt YouTube comment from a fan who thanked him for helping them watch tennis matches after the loss of their mother. The fan described how they stumbled upon a match between