Andy Murray recently poked fun at fellow tennis player Liam Broady for his bold fashion choice at the 2023 French Open. Broady made a strong comeback in the first round of Roland Garros qualifiers, winning against French player Arthur Gea. After this victory, Broady took to social media to share a photo of himself in the official Bidi Badu outfit and asked for his follower’s opinions. Murray couldn’t resist jokingly questioning his compatriot’s decision to wear such a shocking outfit at a prestigious event like the French Open.
Impressive comeback for Liam Broady
Liam Broady impressed many at this year’s Roland Garros qualifiers after losing the first set. He hit 25 winners and overpowered his French opponent, Arthur Gea, to defeat him 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 in a match that lasted nearly two and a half hours. This victory marks a significant milestone for Broady, showcasing his determination and skill on the court.
Broady’s bold fashion choice
Broady’s bold fashion choice at the 2023 French Open certainly captured the attention of fellow players and fans. The multi-colored kit was a vibrant ensemble, setting him apart from others at the event. The playful banter between Broady and Murray on social media is a testament to their friendship and healthy competition within the sport.
Andy Murray focuses on Wimbledon
Meanwhile, Murray decided to withdraw from the 2023 French Open to focus on a successful run at the Wimbledon Championships this year. His decision to prioritize Wimbledon over Roland Garros makes sense as he believes his best chance of going deep into a Grand Slam is more likely to happen at Wimbledon. Murray is hopeful for a strong performance at Wimbledon, which is set to commence on July 3.