Dayana Yastremska, a Ukrainian tennis player, has spoken out about the difficulty Ukrainian players experience when facing players from Russia and Belarus amid the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Several instances have occurred in recent months when Ukrainian players did not shake hands with Russian or Belarusian players after matches, including at the French Open, leading some to criticize the decision.
Difficult Emotions for Ukrainian Players
Yastremska explained her feelings regarding facing Russian and Belarusian players, stating that it is difficult emotionally for her and other Ukrainian players. She referred to Russia as a “terroristic country” and asked how they can go on court and play against people who support Russia. Yastremska suggested that it might be better to ask Russian and Belarusian players how they feel playing against Ukrainians.
French Open Incident
During the French Open, Marta Kostyuk chose not to shake hands with Aryna Sabalenka after their match, leading to the crowd booing her. Yastremska defended Kostyuk’s decision, stating that Ukrainian players had already decided not to shake hands with Russian and Belarusian players since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. Yastremska criticized the crowd for booing Kostyuk, stating that their reaction was not nice.
Yastremska’s Personal Stance
Yastremska also spoke about her own experiences and confirmed that she supports the decision taken by Ukrainian players not to shake hands with their Russian and Belarusian counterparts. She mentioned having personally played against Russian players and choosing not to shake hands with them. As a result, she believes that there is nothing wrong with the Ukrainian players taking this stance.