Olympia, the daughter of Serena Williams, recently shared her experiences practicing golf on her personal Instagram account. Born on September 1, 2017, to Serena and her husband Alexis Ohanian, Olympia is already following in her mother’s footsteps as a multi-sport athlete. She frequently updates her followers on her sporting activities, particularly tennis and football, and her father, Ohanian, owns a women’s professional football team, Angel City FC, that competes in the National Women’s Soccer League or the NWSL.
In a recent Instagram post, Olympia shared photos of herself practicing her left-handed golf swings. Her father also showed his support by sharing her post on his own Instagram story, tagging kids’ golf coach Brittany Ferrante and captioning it, “Daddy Caddy Sunday.” Ohanian had previously announced on his X/Twitter account that he started taking golf lessons after Olympia became better at the sport.
A fan questioned why Olympia is left-handed when both her parents are right-handed. Ohanian responded that it could be due to his mother, Anke Ohanian, being left-handed and Serena Williams having a powerful backhand in tennis. He lost his mother Anke to Glioblastoma, a terminal form of brain cancer, in March 2008.