The top-ranked tennis player in India, Sumit Nagal, took to social media to reveal that the British High Commission had not granted him an appointment for a UK visa. He is scheduled to represent India at the Wimbledon Championships, taking place from July 1 to 14. Nagal initially posted a message on his social media account, asking for help obtaining a UK visa appointment in New Delhi but later deleted the post. Following his plea, the British High Commission took swift action and granted him an appointment.
Sumit Nagal’s career has been on the rise recently, highlighted by his entry into the second round of the main draw in the Monte-Carlo Masters 2024. Although he lost in the second round to Holger Rune, the seventh seed from Denmark and 2023 runner-up, Nagal climbed from 93rd to 80th in ATP Rankings. He became the third Indian tennis player to secure a spot in the main draw of the Monte-Carlo Masters, following Vijay Amritraj in 1977 and Ramesh Krishnan in 1982. Notably, Nagal has won five ATP Challenger Tour Titles during his career, including titles in Bengaluru, Buenos Aires, Tampere, Rome, and Chennai.