Marty Garner, also known as Cham-Pain, recently shared his experience on how WWE did not display his fans’ signs during a live television show. Garner wrestled for WWE between 1994 and 1998 before making four additional appearances for the company between 2006 and 2008. His online popularity in the mid-2000s led to fans bringing “Hire Cham-Pain” signs to WWE events. However, Garner noticed that the signs were blurred out when they appeared on live television.
Garner’s Blog Gains Traction
After being advised by Matt Hardy, Garner began writing a blog about his time in the wrestling industry and sent it to wrestling newsletters. Within a week, he received 100,000 visits to the site, and his story was also featured in a four-page spread in a UK wrestling magazine.
Hire Cham-Pain Sign Campaign
The online campaign grew so large that Garner saw “Hire Cham-Pain” written all over someone’s car. Matt Hardy informed him that the signs frequently appeared at autograph sessions as well. Even WWE legend The Undertaker questioned Hardy about a Garner fan bringing a sign to a show.
WWE Threatens Garner
According to Garner, former talent relations executive John Laurinaitis contacted him after receiving 300 to 500 emails per day from his fans. Laurinaitis was allegedly furious and threatened to have Garner arrested if he ever showed up at a WWE event.